Hi, I'm Candace!
But I go by @TheBlondeMuslim on social media.

I reverted to Islam in 2018. Since I didn’t have Muslim family or friends, I took to the internet to learn the faith and make friends. I started making videos on social media so that I could connect with fellow reverts.

This is when I realized that I wasn’t alone. There are many others out there who are like me, and we're all trying to learn the faith, get closer to God, and find a sense of belonging.

My following has greatly grown, and I always attribute it to Allah: I feel that He is using me to help and add value within the new Muslim community.

People follow & reach out to me from all over the world, and it has become my passion to be there for new Muslims (and others interested in exploring the faith).

Why I made this course for you

The most commonly asked questions I get from fellow reverts are about prayer: how to learn Arabic; how to perform prayer; and how to make it a consistent habit.

It's almost impossible for me to respond to every single email, DM & comment I get, and I feel bad about it because I hate thinking there's someone out there that needs help and didn't get an answer. The last thing I want is for someone else to feel as alone as I did.

I know how first hand how amazing it is to find Islam but simultaneously feel confused and lost during the process. I was overwhelmed by trying to learn everything while simultaneously re-writing my identity and trying to find my new place in the world.

I hope that this course is of benefit to you, and I pray that things are easy for you on your journey. You are not alone anymore!

I love you like a big sister

I want you to be successful, and I also want to help you cut down on struggle time, confusion, and error!

I wish I had a friend to help and guide me when I was a new Muslim because it would have helped me learn more quickly and with less confusion. I honestly had so many learning struggles because I didn't understand what I was learning and because I didn't have anyone to ask for help.

That's why I wracked my brain for every prayer related question I could think of and carefully constructed a course for anyone who wants knowledge but just doesn't know how or where to start.

I explain things like the basics of Islam, the foundations of prayer, and everything you need to know as a New Muslim when it comes to learning & implementing your 5 daily prayers.